From the agenda for the 2021-6-29 County Council meeting, here is the position description for the Broadband Manager and the proposed Salary Plan for FY22. The two documents are inconsistent and reflect uncertainty about what’s required.
The position description mixes two goals: First someone who will start up a new utility; Second someone who can do IT support for County staff. The description specifies technical work and skills, but the County needs a big picture person who can lead an evaluation of the telecommunication infrastructure and business here and if appropriate start a new County owned utility. The salary range is $91K – $135K. On the other hand Deputy Utility manager positions are ranked 303 and range from $106K – $156K.
While the description in the agenda packet has long lists of duties and skills, it doesn’t convey the need for a big picture person. Among the essential duties that are missing from the description are:
- Evaluate and document the telecommunication infrastructure and business in Los Alamos County
- Evaluate communication technologies. In particular be able answer questions about the likely future of satellite, microwave, DOCIS (cable modem) and fiber technology.
- Develop options for how County Government can improve telecommunication services in the County
- Ensure franchise / right of way agreements with telecommunication businesses are current and serve the interests of County residents
- Keep track of options for external (state and federal) support for broadband
- If a bond measure is necessary, design one that voters would support
- Coordinate with LANL and LA-Schools to support work and study from home
- Keep track of broadband initiatives in other communities. Know what works and what doesn’t.
In an earlier version of this post, I took the rank from the job code in the position description and the title of the broadband manager agenda item, namely “H-203 Broadband Manager”, as specifying the level to be 203 and read the proposed compensation from the “Salary Grades” agenda item. Now the post reflects agenda items 8.J.A, the detailed list of salaries, and 8.J.H, the job description for the broadband manager. I think the inconsistency in the agenda documentation reflects uncertainty among the County staff about the nature of the position.
Rather than using my copies of those documents with the links above, you can fetch them from legistar at:
Position description
Salary Plan